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3 Account-Based Marketing Strategy Examples

Did you know that 73% of marketers stated that they planned to spend more on their account-based marketing (ABM) budgets this year?

ABM is one of the best returns on investments your business will see in terms of inbound marketing, so if you want to get ahead of your competitors you need to improve your marketing.

Keep reading to discover the latest, hottest, and most cost-effective ABM strategies that’ll bring high-value accounts and improve your digital marketing.

What Is ABM?

Before you start implementing the latest strategies, you need to know what is account-based marketing. ABM marketing is where you identify your high-value accounts and create personalised marketing strategies that speak directly to them. Combining both sales and marketing efforts, ABM focuses on specific accounts (or your ideal customers) to ensure that more action is taken by these high-value customers and clients.

There are three types of ABM; one-to-one ABM, one-to-few ABM, and one-to-many ABM. One-to-one ABM is one of the most popular approaches because it focuses on individual customers. Learn more about 1-1 account-based marketing and find out how to set goals for your ABM campaigns.

Despite one-to-one being the most popular ABM approach, all types of ABM lead to higher returns on investments. Why you might be asking? Well because personalisation and better communication mean that your leads are more likely to feel valued and do business with you.

In fact, according to Forbes, 97% of marketers say ABM approaches found higher ROIs than other marketing strategies.

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3 Simplest and Cost-Effective Account-Based Marketing Strategies to Try

ABM is constantly evolving, so keeping up with the latest and most cost-effective trends can be difficult. But not to worry, we’ve got you covered with the 3 hottest tactics and strategies you can try.

1. Communicate Clearly With Your Customers

Content is one of the most important aspects of any marketing campaign but this is especially true when it comes to ABM. A cost-effective strategy that’ll improve your return on investment is communicating more clearly with your customers.

Many businesses fail to use clear and concise language. Instead they opt for jargon and industry terms, but your customers and clients might not know what any of this means. You need your content to be understood by someone who is on the outside (of your business).

A simple hack that’ll help you communicate with your customer is to ask yourself a simple question: why should they care? If your content isn’t directly speaking to the customer’s pain point then the chances are they won’t care and your content isn’t drawing enough attention or isn’t clearly communicating what you want it to.

2. Keep Up Appearances

It’s not enough that your customer or client has clicked on the landing page, you need to bring home the purchase or sign up. Effective ABM requires your landing pages to be optimised. This means you need to create action-provoking CTAs, have a page that loads quickly, and ensure your landing page doesn’t overwhelm your prospect.

Conversion rates increase when there is only one offer or action required by the customer. So, to ensure the action is taken, ensure your landing page has clear messaging throughout with an appropriate and clear CTA. It might be easiest to focus on creating several landing pages each with different goals.

3. Make It Video

Publishing content at the right time to the right audience is all very well, but you also need to think about if the content is relevant for your audience. For example, if you’re trying to reach a younger audience, you need to make it video. Video content can improve your engagement.

But how do you make video content?

Similarly to other types of content, you need to focus on your ideal customer. What video topics will they find interesting and entertaining? Not only do you need content that is entertaining, but you also need to produce relatable content, so think about addressing any issues that your ideal customer is currently facing.

Account-based marketing isn’t a new digital marketing strategy but it is a surefire way to target your high-value accounts and get more from them. If you want to improve your ABM then try out some of our strategies and tactics.

Don’t forget to check out our other articles to learn more about account-based marketing.

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ABM Hero - The Account-based Marketing Group
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All things Account-based Marketing. If you're in or interested in ABM, don't be shy, join us. Our goal is to build a practical, useful community for A...

Daniel Boss

Daniel Boss is a Digital Marketing and Account-Based Marketing expert.

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